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Man sentenced to 5 years imprisonment for threatening to kill Donald Trump's son and in-law

Chase Bliss Colasurdo, a 27 year old man from Seattle, US, has been given a 5 year jail term for making threats against President Donald Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr,  and his in-law Jared Kushner. 

Chase who has a history of mental illness and suffers from paranoid illusions, was arrested by the Secret Service for posting a photo of a gun pointed at the head of Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner on social media and also making direct death threats at Trump's son Donald Trump Jr. He also made vile online threats at several media figures and worship centers.

Chase bought ammunition, a bullet proof vest but was denied when he wanted to buy a gun after he was flagged by the Secret service.

Chase was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment over the weekend after pleading guilty in May to all charges levelled against him. His lawyer asked the court to give him a 1 year sentence with 5 years supervised house imprisonment and psychiatric care but his request was denied by the judge.

After the sentencing, U.S. Attorney Brian Moran speaking to reporters said the case highlights the "frightening intersection of mental illness and weapons."

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